Does vqadmin recognize maildirsize files?
Eduardo M. Bragatto
2005-07-29 01:39:36 UTC

I've noticed that on my system vqadmin doesn't touch maildirsize files
from Maildir, wich may result on a quota change not really happening.
Altough vqadmin/qmailadmin shows "NOQUOTA", for example, maildirsize
file remains on Maildir, and the account get messages bounced for "user
over quota".
Even running vuserinfo (vpopmail v5.4.10) shows the same NOQUOTA
string, even if the maildirsize file stills there. Only after using
"vsetuserquota" to define the NOQUOTA string, the maildirsize were
properly edited/removed.
It seems that vuserinfo and vQadmin only reads/writes to vpasswd and
vpasswd.cdb files (yes, I like cdb) =), ignoring maildirsize from the
Maildir. Is is true? Did anyone handle this situation before?

Best regards,
Eduardo M. Bragatto.
