Feature request(s)
Bryan Paxton
2007-03-14 15:47:47 UTC
I would code this myself, but I don't know C that well.

Anyway, there's no input validation.
I can add 'adpjvajdpvjapjvpajv' as a domain.

It also doesn't delete aliases when the target domain is deleted.

Wish it was perl, then I'd be submitting patches : P

Lastly I just had a question out of curiosity, why is there email
administration when you can already do all that in qmailadmin?

None the less I think vqadmin is great...
Bryan Paxton <***@worldspice.net>
WorldSpice Technologies, inc.
(901) - 843 - 9300

Ken Jones
2007-03-14 16:09:46 UTC
Post by Bryan Paxton
I would code this myself, but I don't know C that well.
Anyway, there's no input validation.
I can add 'adpjvajdpvjapjvpajv' as a domain.
That would be a good feature.
Post by Bryan Paxton
It also doesn't delete aliases when the target domain is deleted.
This would be good too.
Post by Bryan Paxton
Wish it was perl, then I'd be submitting patches : P
Lastly I just had a question out of curiosity, why is there email
administration when you can already do all that in qmailadmin?
vqadmin is targeted at system admins and runs as root.
QmailAdmin for customers and usually runs as the vpopmail user.

Root access in vqadmin is needed for adding and deleting domains.
Also, vqadmin allows a team of system admins to be logged in
at the same time. QmailAdmin, for security, only allows a user
to be logged in once.

If you are a PHP programmer you can re-create the functionality
of vqadmin using the vpopmaild daemon to handle the actual
vpopmail commands with the correct user/permissions.

Ken Jones
